Complaints and complaint process

The traveler for irregularities and complaints must complain to the first service provider (hotel, apartment and similar, carrier, travel manager, travel organizer representative or immediate service provider). In the event that the complaint can be resolved on the spot and the Traveler does not immediately complain to the Service Provider of the irregularity, it is understood that the Traveler agrees with the service thereby losing the right to invest subsequent claims with the request to reduce the price of the service and / or payment of damages. Speech Tours will not consider the complaint if the Traveler has not enclosed a copy of the written complaint filed on the spot. If, even after a complaint has been made on the spot, there is no improvement, the Traveler must request a confirmation that the service is not provided or not provided as agreed. The traveler must enclose the certificate with the written complaint. In writing the Traveler is obliged to invest within 8 days after the end of the trip by e-mail at the following address: or by post to the address: Puh tours doo, Tratinska 13, 10 000 Zagreb or personally by entering the branch office and by handing in written complaint employee of Puh tours agency. If a Traveler submits a written complaint after this deadline, Puh tours does not have to consider such complaint. Speaking Tours is obliged to make a written response to the complaint within 14 days upon receipt of the complaint and may postpone the lodging of a complaint resolution for an additional 14 days for the collection of information. Until the decision is taken and a total of 14 or 28 days after the complaint has been filed, the Traveler shall irrevocably waive the mediation of any other person, arbitration of UHPA or other institution, as well as providing information to the media. Likewise during this time the Traveler waives the right to sue. The highest amount of compensation per complaint may reach the amount of the advertised part of the service, and may not include the services already used, nor the total amount of the arrangement.

Each traveler - the contract holder submits the objection separately. Puh tours d.o.o. will not take into consideration the group's complaints.

Parties undertake to resolve any disputable cases by mutual agreement. If this is not possible, in the case of a dispute, the court in Zagreb is competent and Croatian law applies. Competent authority whose official supervision is subject to the activities of tourist agencies in the performance and provision of tourism services: Ministry of Tourism - Independent Sector of Tourism Inspection, Trg Republike Hrvatske 8/1, 10000 Zagreb,


In accordance with the European Union's regulation, customers can submit their complaint on online purchase or settlement of consumer disputes for products and services purchased online.

Regulation of the European Union no. 524/2013. about Online Dispute Resolution platform, is being applied since January 9, Pursuant to Article 14, paragraph 1 of this Regulation, the obligation of traders established in the European Union participating in online sale contracts is required to provide an electronic link to the ORS Platform in an easily accessible place on its website. The Platform for Online Dispute Resolution (ORS Platform) started working on February 15, 2016.

Electronic link (link):

PUH-tours d.o.o.

Tratinska 13
10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
Office manager: Davor Puh

VAT NO: HR04570880273
Identification number: 3641562
ID Code: HR-AB-01-080083821

Bank details:
Raiffeisen bank Austria d.d., Petrinjska 59, 10 000 Zagreb
IBAN: HR 19 2484008 1102441673

Department contact

Rent a bus / Rent a van
Telephone: 00385 1 3015 090

Telephone: 00385 1 3015 091

Group travel/MICE/Incentive
Telephone: 00385 1 3015 090

Telephone: 00385 1 3877 294